God is Trying to Tell Me Something…

I’ve never attended a national romance writer’s convention. Primarily because attending costs roughly the equivalent of the GDP of a small Caribbean country. I had decided that as part of my career redo I would endeavor to attend at least one conference. So where’s next year’s Romantic Time’s conference? Chicago where Lisa G. Riley my writing partner and BFF lives. Where’s the 2013 Romance Writer’s of America conference? Atlanta, where I live of course. Sometimes he sends a pebble. And sometimes he sends a palette of bricks. Okay God, I’m listening.

Only In Atlanta…


Even the criminals in this town are off the hook. First we have the guy who shot two cops (killed one) but would only surrender on live TV. When they picked him up somehow he was missing a shirt. Old boy was flexing his pecs like he thought he had a reality show. And I suppose he does. He did have a Facebook page.

Then we have the robbery suspect who showed up for his hearing in a chauffered limousine. Of course, that’s tied up in that Eddie Long mess, so seriously, anything is possible when dealing with a church that has an ATM in the lobby. Clearly these folk never read the Bible. Jesus. Money changers in the temple. Does any of that ring a bell?

But I think yesterday might just take the cake. So we have a shooting in Midtown. Man shot three women killing one, and he escapes in a…wait for it…Prius! Hey, he’s a murderer, but at least he’s environmentally conscious.